¿New words every day?
Andrea Carriero, EFL Teacher, Uruguay
05 Abril 2016
Como podrás observar más abajo, este artículo está en inglés y esto es así porque está dirigido especialmente para aquellas personas que tienen un nivel intermedio o superior de inglés y quieren ampliar su vocabulario. Si tú estás iniciándote en el aprendizaje de este idioma, no te preocupes que muy pronto estaré dando ideas para que tú también puedas aumentar tu vocabulario!
¿New words every day?
Today in class you learned five or six new words and expressions. You feel great, but you know (as I’d mentioned) that there’s so much more you can do to build your vocabulary. I realize this might not sound like an amusing task if you think of it as a ‘make-a-list-to-learn-and-memorize’ exercise.
In fact, you should do just the opposite; you should learn them naturally.
How can you do that?
There are different methods, but I suggest the best way to learn vocabulary is by reading.
Not the boring kind of reading, but the one that you enjoy, about the topics you are really interested in.
Do you like gardening? Find articles about the best time of the year to harvest, what to plant, etc. Do you like sports? Find articles about games, news related to the sport you like.
Ok, I found the topic. Now, what’s next?
Once you have decided what topic you enjoy reading, the next step is to find the articles. You can always try by using Mr. Google =) and choose among the articles suggested there.
When you get the article and you get engrossed in it (because you like the topic) I’m sure you will be willing to understand the words which are new to you, so you will have to look them up in a dictionary. Write them down on your ‘Vocabulary bank’. You will be amazed how fast you enrich your vocabulary in such a pleasant way.
Below you can find some webpages I really enjoy =)
For men… http://www.mantelligence.com/
For girls…. http://www.refinery29.com/
And even more for girls … http://www.gretelhome.com/
About news… http://www.vox.com/
About cooking… and eating… http://www.foodbeast.com/
About design… http://thefoxisblack.com/
About many interesting issues….
Please it would be great if you can share here which topics you are interested in and also if you can recommend any webpage to read interesting articles!
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